
Smart Mobility
September 19, 2023
Smart Agriculture
September 21, 2023
Artificial Intelligence
September 22, 2023
Smart Robotics (Sky)
September 25, 2023
Smart Workplaces
September 28, 2023
Smart Infrastructure Maintenance
September 29, 2023
Smart Building
October 5, 2023
Achievement Presentation
October 20, 2023


Smart Agriculture

Instructor: Prof. Hideharu Takahashi (School of Engineering)
     Prof. Kuniaki Uto (School of Computing)

After learning about ecosystems and genomics, students will acquire basic knowledge and elemental technologies related to smart agriculture through aerial drone photography and 3D structure reconstruction in outdoor an open-filed farm, farm work experience, and agricultural robot assembly and remote operation experience.

AM:Lectures on ecosystem and genomics, and fieldwork
PM:3D reconstruction from multi-view aerial images, assembling and remote-manipulation of agricultural robot

Smart Building

Instructor: Prof. Daiki Sato (Institute of Innovative Research)

In Smart Buildings, students will learn about the understanding of seismic isolation structures and monitoring using sensors, focusing on the super high-rise seismic isolation building (J2-3 Building) on the Suzukakedaicampus. We will also discuss “What is necessary to reduce residents' anxiety during earthquakes?”.

AM: Introduction to Smart Building field, Lecture on seismic design in Japan, Tour of super high-rise seismic isolation building (J2-3 Building)
PM: Lectures and exercises on monitoring and group work (What is necessary to reduce residents' anxiety during earthquakes?)

Smart Infrastructure Maintenance

Instructor: Prof. Eiichi Sasaki (School of Environment and Society)
     Prof. Ayako Akutsu (School of Environment and Society

In Smart Infrastructure Maintenance, for infrastructure such as bridges and tunnels on campus, a real structure field equipped with sensors, etc. has been developed. In this program, we will discuss the future of infrastructure maintenance using advanced technology. Then, we will explain the status of real-time measurement in the real structure field, data analysis, etc., and demonstrate vibration visualization and vibration analysis to grasp the condition of real bridges.

AM: Introduction of Smart Infrastructure Maintenance field, Lecture on the problems in infrastructure maintenance, Discussion & presentation (About infrastructure maintenance in the future )
PM: Site Visit of real structure fields to see operation status, Demonstration on vibration visualization and vibration analysis

Artificial Intelligence

Instructor: Prof. Takahiro Shinozaki (School of Engineering)

Lecture on the mechanism of neural networks and its implementations. Exercise on learning and evaluating neural networks with real data. Throughout this course, students learn how to construct and apply neural networks to various problems.

AM: Principles of Neural Networks / Gradient Descent and Backpropagation / Variations of neural network structures / Unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning

PM: Exercises using Google Colab or JupyterLab on Tsubame (PyTorchbasics and applications)

Smart Robotics (Sky)

Instructor: Prof. Takeshi Hatanaka (School of Engineering)

Students will practice the basics of feedback control, cooperative control of multiple robots, and human-robot collaborations through a Unity/MATLAB-based simulator. We will also show robotic demonstrations that extend the exercises on Robot Zoo Sky, a multi-drone experimental platform.

AM:Exercise on feedback control and Exercise on consensus control
PM:Exercise on coverage control, Exercise on human-robot collaboration, and Experimental demonstration

Smart Mobility

Instructor: Prof. YU Tao (Tokyo Tech Academy for Super Smart Society)

Automated driving, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), and next-generation wireless communication systems as components to realize smart mobility will be outlined. Students will then experience operating and riding in an automated driving vehicle and millimeter wave communication with the road-side unit through exercises.

AM: Lectures on automated driving, ITS, and next-generation wireless communication

PM: Exercises using an automated driving vehicle

Smart Workplaces

Instructor: Prof. Naoki Kagi (School of Environment and Society )
     Prof. Wataru Umishio (School of Environment and Society)

Visit the office in Otemachi, where the sensor network was built. Learn the latest buildings and technologies, and discuss the future workplace.

  • Site visit (Otemachi 3×3Lab Future)
  • Introduction to the Smart Workplace research and education field
  • Introduction of each room, explanation of technology and sensors
  • Visualization of human thermal comfort
  • Discussion & Presentation (About the future workplace)

Achievement Presentation

Presented in group work format (3~4 people x 5 groups). Based on the exercises, each group presented their research ideas to integrate different fields.