This program has an “Education and Research Expense Support System” to create an environment where students can concentrate on their studies by receiving financial support.
1) Super Smart Society Doctoral Leadership Scholarship (RA salary for doctoral students)
【Eligible students】
WISE-SSS enrolled students with high research ability and outstanding potential
(1) pass the mid-term review.
(2) Until AY2023: Have applied “Tokyo Tech Advanced Human Resource Development Fellowship for Doctoral Students” and “Cross the border! Tokyo Tech pioneering doctoral research program".
(3) On or after AY2024: Have applied for “Tokyo Tech Program for Development of Next-Generation Front-Runners with Comprehensive Knowledge and Humanity (Tokyo Tech SPRING)” or “Tokyo Tech Program for Development of Co-creative Experts towards Top-level AI Research (Tokyo Tech BOOST)”
Note) Students who are not eligible to apply and those who are unable to apply due to unavoidable circumstances are excluded.
【Payment pattern (Annual amount)】
◆Pattern A: Tokyo Tech Program for Development of Next-Generation Front-Runners with Comprehensive Knowledge and Humanity (Tokyo Tech SPRING) (2.16 million yen) + RA salary from SSS joint research and SSS national project*
◆Pattern B: Tokyo Tech Program for Development of Co-creative Experts towards Top-level AI Research (Tokyo Tech BOOST) (3.6 million yen) + RA salary from SSS joint research and SSS national project*
◆Pattern C: SSS doctoral leadership scholarship (basic amount 500,000 yen + additional amount up to 1.5 million yen depending on research achievements) + RA salary from SSS joint research and SSS national project*
Note) “RA salary from SSS joint research and SSS national project” depends on the status of each student's joint research with partners of SSS Promotion Consortium or the national projects related to Super Smart Society.
Note) If the total amount exceeds 2 million yen, the SSS doctoral leadership scholarship will be reduced. For more details, please click here.
2) Super Smart Society Incentive subsidy (RA salary for master's students)
An RA salary of up to 500,000 yen/year will be paid to excellent and promising master's students.