Management system of Academy of Super Smart Society

Management system of Tokyo Tech Academy for Super Smart Society

Program Personnel


Hirotsugu Inoue
Hirotsugu Inoue
School of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Field of Specialization: Machine Material, Material Mechanics
Kei Sakaguchi
Kei Sakaguchi
School of Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Field of Specialization: Information and Communication Engineering

The 5th/6th-generation cellular networks I'm researching are contributing to the realization of a super smart society in areas such as smart mobility and smart agriculture. Society is looking for leaders with knowledge spanning both the cyber and physical worlds, who can create the super smart society.

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<a href= Akinori Nishihara">
Akinori Nishihara
Specially Appointed Professor
Academy of Super Smart Society

Field of Specialization: Educational Technology / Information and Communication Engineering

I provide my knowledge and support to all the students based on my experience specializing in signal processing and educational technology . Let's expand our perspectives to bigger goals, without getting constricted in narrow fields. SSS has online salons, and other open forums for you.

※Prof. Nishihara will not accept students.

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Kotaro Inoue
Kotaro Inoue
School of Engineering
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Economics

Field of Specialization: Business administration(Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance)

Due to their rich database, the latest big data analysis techniques are being adopted at large-scale in the area of finance. I hope to contribute to capital allocation for realizing a sustainable society through analysis and proposals employing the latest techniques. Please learn the fields that are active at SSS in collaborating with financial institutions.

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Nobuyuki Iwatsuki
Nobuyuki Iwatsuki
School of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
General Advisor
Field of Specialization: Silent Engineering/Laser measurement/Robotics

Robot mechanisms, and related control techniques, will be developed that have flexibility, enable complex motions, and can be used in people's daily lives. The curriculum is designed so students can achieve research results based on learning cyber-physical system and quantum science, and can also acquire leadership skills.

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Tomohiko Uyematsu
Tomohiko Uyematsu
School of Engineering
Dept. of Information and Communications Engineering

Field of Specialization: Communication/Network Engineering

If the super smart society is modeled using information theory, and the limits of compression and transmission of the data to be used are clarified, then practical realization of the super smart society can be expected in a short time. Joint research in a one-of-a-kind smart research field will produce new synergies.

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Toshimasa Fujisawa
Toshimasa Fujisawa
School of Science
Dept. of Physics

Field of Specialization: Advanced Research Center for Quantum Physics and Nanoscience

My aim is to create functional low-dimension electronic devices and quantum information technologies by using the unusual physical properties which appear in low-dimensional electronic systems and topological systems. I would like the students of WISE-SSS to cultivate the sensibility to see the essence while valuing their own specialized fields and adopting a broad perspective.

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Mitsuji Sampei
Mitsuji Sampei
School of Engineering
Dept. of Systems and Control Engineering

Field of Specialization: Control Theory / Control Engineering

In order to develop a super smart society, engineers should not only be specialized in their individual engineering field, but also have an ability to collaborate and integrate with different engineering fields, i.e., collaboration and integration among mechanical/electrical/chemical engineering, economics, information science, systems engineering and other engineering fields are important. At SSS, you will experience the collaboration of physical and cyber fields, as well as their connecting fields, and become a super engineer who can contribute to the development of the world.

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Koichi Shinoda
Koichi Shinoda
School of Computing
Dept. of Computer Science

Field of Specialization: Intelligent Informatics

Through research to improve performance/speed and conserve memory in machine learning techniques, I am contributing to the realization of a safer and more secure society in areas such as surveillance camera analysis and speaker identification. To apply artificial intelligence technology to real-world problems, it is essential to have human resources adept at both cyber and physical problem solving.

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Tohru Yagi
Tohru Yagi
School of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Field of Specialization: "Artificial organs, regenerative medicine" / Biomedical control and therapy / Bioinformation and instrumentation / Vision Science / Biomedical Engineering / Welfare Engineering / Visual Information Processing / System Integration

I am researching biomedical engineering and neural engineering at the cellular and nano levels, particularly focusing on electrodes that connect machines to the brain / nervous systems. SSS is a great setting for encounters, where you can interact with researchers and engineers in a variety of fields. We are looking for people with dreams, brimming with the frontier spirit!

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Jeffrey Scott Cross
Jeffrey Scott Cross
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering

Field of Specialization: Chemistry & Material Science – Energy & Fuels Social Science & Humanities – Social Sciences

In the Cross lab, we do research on AI use in education, explainable AI and carbon negative technologies. Many companies participate in the SSS consortium, and for prospective doctoral students this program is an opportunity to learn about various advanced technologies. Students with an interest in corporate internships, can make maximal use of this program.

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Dai Senoo
Dai Senoo
School of Engineering
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Economics

Field of Specialization: Business Administration

In the super smart society, people who have actively used the frameworks and tools produced as research results will effectively and efficiently create knowledge by freely connecting in cyber and physical space. Please advance in your education with the determination to change the world.

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Jun-ichi Takada
Jun-ichi Takada
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering

Field of Specialization: Measurement Engineering, Communication/Network Engineering, ICT and development

With the progress in commoditization of mobile communication systems, mobile phones have penetrated even to villages in the least developed countries. ICT will innovate a way to resolve the local issues. I wish you to fully utilize your abilities with a positive spirit of leading society.

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Koichi Suzumori
Koichi Suzumori
School of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Field of Specialization: Robotics / Mechatronics / Softmechanics / Actuator/Micro / Nano mechatronics

In contrast with conventional robots, designed for power, precision, and efficiency, integration with other fields is essential for creating new robots replete with high adaptability and flexibility accepting ambiguity and uncertainty. Please learn practical, cutting-edge technologies, and master the ability to create new robots.

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Takeshi Hatanaka
Takeshi Hatanaka
School of Engineering
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Economics

Field of Specialization: Control Engineering

Using distributed environmental monitoring technology and human/robot collaboration technology, we will improve the productivity of society as a whole, and contribute to solving the societal challenge, namely shrinking of the working age population. In particular, I hope to contribute to the agricultural field, where aging is particularly pronounced.

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Masafumi Okada
Masafumi Okada
School of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Field of Specialization: Robot control, Mechanism design, Human-machine cooperative system

Developing robots that move cooperatively with human requires mechanical engineering, and as well as estimation of human's thinking, recognition of the environments, and so forth. To realize breakthrough of human- machine cooperation, my research focuses on robot engineering, control engineering, and human engineering from the perspective of the keyword "dynamical system" .

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Gen Endo
Gen Endo
School of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Field of Specialization: Robotics / Intelligent Mechanics / Mechanical System / Machine Mechanics / Control

I am researching teleoperated robots to support decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and inspection of deteriorated infrastructure. The appeal of this field is that the robots you conceive become a reality, and they do things beyond what you imagined.

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Tomohisa Tanaka
Tomohisa Tanaka
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Field of Specialization: Intelligent Mechanics and Machine System / Design Engineering, Machine Elements and Tribology

I am conducting research on machining technologies and production systems capable of realizing the high-precision parts incorporated into high-performance devices with shorter lead-time (part supply time) and lower cost. Please learn various different fields, develop your own concepts, and strive to create new fields.

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Takatoki Yamamoto
Takatoki Yamamoto
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Field of Specialization: Robotics / Mechatronics / Softmechanics / Actuator / Micro/Nano mechatronics

Evasion of infection, which prevents infection before it happens, is crucial for minimizing the impact of pandemics, and my aim for the future is to realize a safe and secure society through preemptive infection evasion, by monitoring viruses at all locations using a network of virus sensors.

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Hiroya Nakao
Hiroya Nakao
School of Engineering
Dept. of Systems and Control Engineering

Field of Specialization: Theoretical studies in nonlinear science

My aim is to mathematically analyze various real-world phenomena in physical, chemical, biological, and engineered systems from a universal perspective, against a backdrop of nonlinear dynamical systems and stochastic processes, and to use the results for control and design. Connections with broader viewpoints and society at large can be achieved through communication outside one's specialty.

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Motomu Nakashima
Motomu Nakashima
Professor School of Engineering
Dept. of Systems and Control Engineering
Field of Specialization: Biomechanics / Sports Engineering / Aero & Aqua-Biomechanism

Through mechanical modeling and simulation, exercises for competitive sports training and health maintenance can be easily measured and visualized, and you will be able to obtain more optimal forms from the systems according to your muscle and physical strength.

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Jiro Hirokawa
Jiro Hirokawa
School of Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Field of Specialization: Information and Communication Engineering

I am developing millimeter-wave planar antennas for supporting the exchange of high-volume information needed in the super smart society where everything is connected. At SSS, we want students to master the approach of continually taking up new issues throughout their lives.

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Mutsuko Hatano
Mutsuko Hatano
School of Engineering,
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Field of Specialization: Power device / Quantum sensor / Solid-state physics

Needs for diamond quantum sensors are rising, and in 2030 implementation will begin in biometrics and energy device monitoring. I am currently accelerating research so these sensors can contribute to the super-aging society and low-carbon society.

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Kenichi Okada
Kenichi Okada
School of Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Field of Specialization: Information and Communication Engineering

I am conducting research to realize wireless communication using millimeter waves: 5G, and beyond that 6G and 7G. I hope you will always maintain career awareness to improve your own added value, asking questions like: What path do I want to take? And what is necessary to do that?

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Tetsuo Kodera
Tetsuo Kodera
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Field of Specialization: Microdevices / Nanodevices / Electron device / Electronic equipment

I am primarily conducting research on fundamental technology and physics toward quantum computers. Through a program replete with SSS's matching workshops and other programs, I hope you will develop leadership skills that will allow you draw in experts from other fields.

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Makoto Hagiwara
Makoto Hagiwara
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Field of Specialization: Power Electronics

I am researching power electronics, a driving force in all sorts of areas, including renewable energy and electric vehicles. This is a good opportunity to come into contact with different research approaches and findings, through interaction with other fields and collaborations with companies.

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Takayuki Iwasaki
Takayuki Iwasaki
School of Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Field of Specialization: Quantum Sensor / Solid state quantum emitters

Quantum technology will realize unprecedented sensors and safe information networks. It is expected to contribute to new diagnostic techniques, such as measurement of heart and brain magnetism in high spatial resolution, monitoring of energy equipment, and safe transmission of information.

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Gia Khanh Tran
Gia Khanh Tran
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Field of Specialization: Information theory / Signal processing / ”Communication systems (wireless, wired, satellite, optical and mobile)

I am designing mobile communication networks using drones and conducting research on position estimation systems employing radio wave fingerprinting, and I will help realize provision of various types of sophisticated communication services using precise location information. WISE-SSS is an environment where it is easy to see social needs, e.g., through joint research with companies, and you can easily implement your own research.

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Isao Yamada
Isao Yamada
School of Engineering
Dept. of Information and Communications Engineering

Field of Specialization: Signal Processing / Communication Theory / Optimization Theory and Algorithms

I am conducting research in areas that will serve as the foundation of a super smart society, such as signal processing and optimization algorithms. Different views in these fields have been supporting my own research. SSS is a perfect opportunity for cultivating multilateral perspective toward creation of universal value.

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Kazuhiko Fukawa
Kazuhiko Fukawa
School of Engineering
Dept. of Information and Communications Engineering

Field of Specialization: Communication / Network Engineering

My main research topics are wireless communications and these networks. Since many systems including the wireless communication networks aim to improve their efficiency, such systems are likely to be vulnerable to errors or irregular events. Introducing ambiguities based on probabilities and statistics is one of the most promising techniques to solve the above problem, I think.

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Yoshihiro Watanabe
Yoshihiro Watanabe
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Dept. of Information and Communications Engineering

Field of Specialization: Information Science and Technology

My aim is to instantly understand physical space, faster than humans, using vision technology, and by using augmented reality technology, achieve complete integration of cyberspace that goes beyond the real world. I hope you will take up the challenge of the next-generation problem of pioneering new societies through the integration of both spaces.

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Takahiro Shinozaki
Takahiro Shinozaki
School of Engineering
Dept. of Information and Communications Engineering

Field of Specialization: Perception information processing / Intelligent robotics

The time will come where robots will talk on equal terms with people, and support our daily lives as members of society. To achieve that, we need an engineering understanding of human language ability. Won't you try contributing to the realization of an affluent and creative future while closing in on the origins of human intelligence?

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Akiyoshi Shioura
Akiyoshi Shioura
School of Engineering
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Economics

Field of Specialization: Combinatorial optimization / Algorithm theory

In order to solve complex problems, I am conducting research on basic technologies for solving simple problems at high speed. In areas such as preparation of complicated schedules and cost minimization, I break down problems into simpler problems and combine the results. This is one basic technology for supporting AI used in routine decision-making.

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Kazuhide Nakata
Kazuhide Nakata
School of Engineering
Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Economics

Field of Specialization: Social System Engineering

Using mathematical models, I represent and analyze various problems relating to organization management and services, and then derive rational solution strategies by applying optimization and machine learning theory. Many case study situations are available at SSS for actually solving social problems, such as joint research with corporations.

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Mikio Kozuma
Mikio Kozuma
Institute of Innovative Research
Dept. of Physics Major in Physics

Field of Specialization: Quantum optics / Laser cooling / quantum electronics

By using ultra-high-performance non-GPS navigation methods employing quantum technology, we will realize higher efficiency in marine resource mapping, evaluation of the risk of large-scale earthquakes, and acquisition of sub-ice data in the Arctic Ocean. Our goal is to realize a safe, secure, affluent society based on quantum navigation technology.

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Toru Hirahara
Toru Hirahara
School of Science
Dept. of Physics

Field of Specialization: Thin film / Surface and interfacial physical properties (Surface, Surface)

In response to theoretical predictions that it is possible to detect unknown particles in solids, I am working to create basic technology for establishing this experimentally, and developing quantum sensors and computers based on new principles. Let's learn the principles of surprisingly familiar quantum science, and devise new methods of application.

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Keisuke Tanaka
Keisuke Tanaka
School of Computing
Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Science

Field of Specialization: Computer Science

My aim is to build safe and secure information platforms, through approaches such cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies with ensured transparency, and cybersecurity for building safe systems. Many events are planned to explore careers after completing your degree.

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Yoshihiro Miyake
Yoshihiro Miyake
School of Computing
Dept. of Computer Science

Field of Specialization: Biophysics / Intelligent Informatics

We explore a co-creative artificial environment that supports human creativity.  At SSS, let's build a novel new human-computer interaction together with "co-creation" as the keyword.

※Prof. Miyake will not accept students who plan to enroll in WISE-SSS to his laboratory.

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Jun Miyazaki
Jun Miyazaki
School of Computing
Dept. of Computer Science

Field of Specialization: Information retrieval / Structured document / Database (DataBase Manegement System, DBMS)

I aim to extract high-reliability information from large volumes of data, and use it in real time. It is important to understand the characteristics of tools and use them for appropriate problems. As a result, this is a discipline where you discern the essential reasons behind outcomes, whether success of failure.

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Takehiko Itoh
Takehiko Itoh
School of Life Science and Technology
Dept. of Life Science and Technology

Field of Specialization: Bioinformatics, Genome information, Chromosome dynamics

I am conducting research to elucidate the phenomenon of life through computer analysis of life data. Research based on genome information can be used in a variety of fields such as breeding seeds that grow faster and larger in the agriculture and fisheries field, and elucidation of diseases in the medical field.

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Nobuhiro Hayashi
Nobuhiro Hayashi
School of Life Science and Technology
Dept. of Life Science and Technology

Field of Specialization: Biophysics / Molecular Biology

My aim is to achieve daily life where you can always access comprehensive knowledge about your own physical capabilities and health status, and control your performance together with AI counselors. Please realize that you can change the world, and realize your personal dreams by making the most of the environment you've been blessed with.

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Yasunori Aizawa
Associate Professor
School of Life Science and Technology
Dept. of Life Science and Technology

Field of Specialization: Cell Biology / Basic Genome Science / Molecular Biology

My group has been developing a new genome engineering platform to create a variety of multi-functionalized cells by large-scale genome design and re-construction. I would like to give you opportunities to pursue how we can utilize the cutting-edge biotechnology for solving social and industrial problems through deep interaction with non-bio fields.

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Toshihiro Osaragi
Toshihiro Osaragi
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Architecture and Building Engineering

Field of Specialization: Safety system/Urban and social disaster prevention

While focusing on architectural planning and disaster prevention/mitigation planning, I am conducting research on technologies for making society safer, more comfortable, and more efficient. I expect you will investigate your own field of research while taking a comprehensive view of various research fields, and developing an understanding of the social trends of interests, advances of technology, and so on.

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Haruyuki Fujii
Haruyuki Fujii
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Architecture and Building Engineering

Field of Specialization: Architectural Environment/Equipment/City Planning/Architectural Planning/Design Science/Cognitive Science/Intelligent Informatics

I am concerned that virtual spaces represented with symbols are regarded as more real than real-world spaces of the mind/body and physical objects. I advocate the view that symbolic representation is only a truncated part of the phenomena of the world. Please acquire the ability to come and go between the cyber (design) and the physical (architecture).

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Masashi Matsuoka
Masashi Matsuoka
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Architecture and Building Engineering

Field of Specialization: Urban and social disaster prevention/Community resistance to disaster (evacuation, panic, communication, hazard map)

Sensing technology from sources like satellites and artificial intelligence technology are expected to enable flexible recovery of urban functions and daily lives of victims disturbed by earthquakes and other disasters. Through communication with various people, let's be work-ready assets who can respond to social requirements.

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Naoki Kagi
Naoki Kagi
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Architecture and Building Engineering

Field of Specialization: Building Science and Building Equipment

Based on sound evidence obtained through research, I propose smart workplaces with enhanced productivity and health, and I realize ideal indoor environments which take energy conservation into account. I expect to see more unique research being done thanks to all of your ideas.

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Takashi Asawa
Takashi Asawa
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Architecture and Building Engineering

Field of Specialization: Urban and built environment / Thermal environment / Remote sensing / Urban greening / Heat transfer simulation

I will apply sensing and other smart technology to enable comfortable and healthy living by users, without feeling the stress of heat or cold, in homes and offices, etc. A smart office has been established enabling research on topics such as activity based working.

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Tsubasa Okaze
Tsubasa Okaze
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Architecture and Building Engineering

Field of Specialization: Global/Urban environment

I would like to contribute to form the comfortable urban area with numerical predictions and controls for various wind-related phenomena such as strong wind in pedestrian space within built-up environment, pollutant diffusion, drifting snow, heat island. I hope that you will keep your antennae open outside of your research field, and broaden your horizons and networks.

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Mitsuyasu Iwanami
Mitsuyasu Iwanami
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Field of Specialization: Maintenance engineering / Structural engineering / Concrete / Steel

I am researching maintenance/management of social infrastructure. Technology needs to be adopted to lower costs and compensate for labor shortages. I want to develop infrastructure maintenance/management for the new era by collaborating with people working with cutting-edge technologies in fields such as mechanics and electricity/electronics.

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Eiichi Sasaki
Eiichi Sasaki
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Field of Specialization: Structural engineering / Earthquake engineering / Maintenance management engineering

I am working in the area of safety management incorporating cutting-edge technologies so that roads, railways, and other social infrastructure can be protected from earthquakes and other natural disasters and from deterioration, and securely used by the public. A framework has been built for coming into contact with diverse ideas, such as links with other fields, and this makes it easier to seize chances and insights for furthering research.

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Yukihiko Yamashita
Yukihiko Yamashita
Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning

Field of Specialization: Intelligent informatics

Due to the development of research on the basic theory and technologies of pattern recognition, I believe we can achieve a society where people and computers live and work together. Let's engage in genuine international exchange at SSS so we can participate in international conferences, and exhibit leadership.

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Yoshimi Takuwa
Yoshimi Takuwa
Institute for Liberal Arts
Dept. of Social and Human Sciences

Field of Specialization: Science History

I provide a look at history, as a perspective for continuing activities in the ever-changing world of science. I want students to think about the fact that what is common sense today (things, concepts) was not common sense in the past, and that the images of scientists and research domains are created and reconstructed.

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Yasuko Yanagida
Yasuko Yanagida
Institute of Innovative Research
Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology

Field of Specialization: Functional biochemistry

By miniaturizing bio MEMS/NEMS devices, we can expect reduction of costs, broader measurement range, and so on. By conducting research on biofunction and marine environment measurement using these techniques, I believe it should be possible to efficiently obtain high-reliability data.

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Takamichi Nakamoto
Takamichi Nakamoto
Institute of Innovative Research
Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology

Field of Specialization: Sensitivity Informatics / Soft Computing/Electronic Measurements / LSI Design

By utilizing big data analysis and AI technology, Odor sensing and reproduction as well as sensory information extraction of odor and scent creation are studied in our laboratory. Students who need economic support in PhD study are encouraged to apply for the SSS scholarship.

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Hidetoshi Nishimori
Hidetoshi Nishimori
Quantum Computing Unit

Field of Specialization: Quantum annealing

This is a rapidly developing field, where basic research and proof of concept experiments are being carried out simultaneously. If successful, it will become possible to efficiently solve combinatorial optimization problems (e.g., optimizing automobile routes and delivery routes), and this may help to dramatically reduce CO₂ emissions.

※Prof. Nishimori will not accept students to his laboratory.

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Misako Takayasu
Misako Takayasu
School of Computing
Dept. of Computer Science

Field of Specialization: Mathematical Physics/Fundamental Theory of Physical Properties

We expect that the research foundation for integrated data use and big data analysis will be established, and models will be constructed in such a way that important variables can be clearly defined without any black box, and various social and economic phenomena can be predicted and controlled through large-scale simulations.

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Kenji Suzuki
Kenji Suzuki
Institute of Innovative Research
Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology

Field of Specialization: Medical imaging system / Laborator e amination s stem / Medical information system / Biological information / Biosystem information sciences / Medical imaging technology / Learning and knowledge acquisition / Pattern recognition / Image processing / Computer vision / Neural network

For many years, I have been developing an "AI doctor," a support system for human doctors that gleans a precise diagnosis from the learned data of skilled physicians, including test results, consultations, and even a patient's general countenance. By predicting and taking preventative measures for diseases that people will contract in the future, the AI doctor system hopes to reduce the number of patients worldwide.

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Hiroyuki Ito
Hiroyuki Ito
Institute of Innovative Research
Nano Sensing Research Unit

Field of Specialization: Electronic Device / Electronic Equipment

Realization of ultra-high-sensitivity acceleration sensing systems will enable applications in sustainable medicine and food production. Our strength derives from bringing together researchers with diverse backgrounds, and conducting research on two fronts: basic technology and applied technology.

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Shoichi Kishiki
Shoichi Kishiki
Institute of Innovative Research
Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology

Field of Specialization: Functional-continuity Buildings and Cities that withstand Earthquakes

My aim is to realize safe and secure high-rise buildings into which people can flee, to eliminate refugees in natural disasters such as earthquakes. I also want to understand deterioration over time based on routine monitoring, and provide buildings which disseminate information on safety and allow people to live with peace of mind in case of a disaster.

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Kayoko Nohara
Kayoko Nohara
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering

Field of Specialization: Linguistics/Translation Studies/Science and Art/Design

"Translation" bridges not only different cultures and disciplines but also between cyberspace and physical space. By developing creative and transdisciplinary digital + real communication, I will contribute to innovation and cultivation of human resources for developing next-generation hybrid researchers.

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Ryutaro Matsumoto
Ryutaro Matsumoto
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Dept. of Information and Communications Engineering
Field of Specialization: Information and Communication Engineering

Research on quantum information processing is divided into experimental and theoretical branches. I am mainly conducting theoretical research using paper and pencil, while also using computers to some extent. This field is suitable for students who love mathematics, and enjoy in-depth theoretical thought.

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Masayuki Yamamura
School of Computing
Dept. of Computer Science

Field of Specialization: Emergent Systems / DNA computing
Masaki Takahashi
Associate Professor
Academy for Leadership / Institute for Liberal Arts
Dept. of Social and Human Sciences

Field of Specialization: Lifestyle diseases
Specially appointed Associate Professor
Academy of Super Smart Society

Field of Specialization: Wireless communication
Keigo Arai
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Field of Specialization: Quantum science
Atsushi Shirane
Associate Professor
Institute of Innovative Research

Field of Specialization: Integrated circuit, Wireless communication
Daiki Sato
Associate Professor
Institute of Innovative Research

Field of Specialization: Wind resistant design, Structural analysis, Structural design, Structure control, Earthquake resistant design
Hideharu Takahashi
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Field of Specialization: Smart agriculture and forestry, Remote sensing, Environmental restoration and utilization of unused resources, Zero-carbon energy
Takashi Tomura
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Field of Specialization: Antennas, Electromagnetic Analysis
Yasuharu Koike
Institute of Innovative Research

Field of Specialization: Medical Organism Engineering and Material Science of Organism / Human Interface
Hiroshige Kikura
Associate Professor
Institute of Innovative Research

Field of Specialization: Multi-Phase Flow Dynamics / Transportation of Radioactive Materials / Thermo-Hydraulics for Future Light Water Reactors
Hideki Koike
School of Computing

Graphics / Visualization / Human interface / Virtual reality / Computer vision / Network security technology
Takeshi Nakajima
Institute for Liberal Arts

Political Science
Hiroto Tanaka
School of Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Aero/Aqua Biomimetics
Katsuki Fujisawa
Institute of Innovative Research

Mathematical Optimization, Deep Learning, Graph Analysis, High Performance Computing
Eiichiro Kimura
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Innovation Science

Management of Technology, Innovation Management
ZHU Xinru
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society
Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering

Field of Specialization: Typeface Studies, Semiotics, Communication Studies
Kentaro Okamoto
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences

Pediatric Surgery
Aya Isumi
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences

Public Health (Maternal and Child Health) , Social Epidemiology
Taku Ito
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences

Nao Hosokawa
URA (Specially Appointed Professor)
Center for Medical Innovation

Medical, Healthcare, Industry-Academia Collaboration

External Evaluation Special Advisors

Pramod P. Khargonekar
Vice Chancellor for Research of UC Irvine
Former NSF Assistant Director for Engineering
Kazuo Kyuma
President, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
Ex-executive member, CSTI

International Advisor

Jenq-Shiou Leu
National Taiwan University of Science & Technology
Wilfred G. van der Wiel
University of Twente
Marco Ceccarelli
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Chia-Hsiang Menq
National Tsing Hua University
Ian Watson
University of Glasgow
Sandra Hirche
Technical University of Munich
Thomas Haustein
Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institute
Branka Vucetic
University of Sydney
Susi S. Varvayanis
Cornell University
Michiel Bacchiani
Google Japan
Ali Sadri
Airgain, Inc.
Emilio Carvanese Strinati
CEA Leti
Sumei Sun
Infocomm Research
Masaaki Maeda
The Nippon Club
Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of NY, Inc.
JCC Fund
Seong-Lyun Kim
Yonsei University
Haris Gačanin
RWTH Aachen University
Srinivas Garimella
Georgia Institute of Technology
Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas
The University of Melbourne
Manoj Srinivasan
The Ohio State University
Kriengsak Panuwatwanich
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University

Private Companies/Public Research Institutes/Local Governments

SoftBank Corp.
Koden Electronics Co., Ltd.
NEC Corporation
Azbil Corporation
DENSO Corporation
NSK Ltd.
Yokogawa Electric Corporation
YASKAWA Electric Corporation
Ota City
Kawasaki City
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)
The Wireless Networks Research Center, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Information Technology and Human Factors, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
The Ocean Policy Research Institute, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central)
Kubota Corporation
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
Panasonic Corporation
Komatsu Ltd.
LG Japan Lab Inc.
Rakuten Mobile, Inc.
Mazda Motor Corporation