Super Smart Society Innovation A1: Frontiers in Quantum Technology
Offered quarter: 2Q
Students learn about quantum sensing using spin defects and color centers in wide bandgap semiconductors, cutting-edge research on quantum computers, and AI related to mobility, especially focusing on image recognition, data analysis, and optimization technologies.
Class 1 | Diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center and its quantum sensing |
Class 2 | Spin defects/color centers in other wide bandgap semiconductors |
Class 3 | Creation of spin defects/color centers |
Class 4 | Overview of quantum computers |
Class 5 | NEC’s activities for superconducting quantum computers |
Class 6 | Quantum and simulated annealing theory and their applications |
Class 7 | AI Technology for Mobility Industry |

Super Smart Society Innovation A2: IoT/ Robotics/Smart city
Offered quarter: 3Q
Students learn about the latest research on control and communication technologies that support cloud robotics, approaches to smart cities, examples of IoT applications in industry, and mechanisms for creating new value by sharing data among industrial machines.
Class 1 | Advanced robot control technologies utilizing communication networks |
Class 2 | KDDI Research’s Challenge toward Post 5G/6G Era |
Class 3 | Latest Research and Development on IoT in KDDI Research |
Class 4 | Smart Manufacturing and Data Utilization (part 1) |
Class 5 | Smart Manufacturing and Data Utilization (part 2) |
Class 6 | Network control technology for supporting remote robot control |
Class 7 | Operational revolution for process industry with digital twin |

Super Smart Society Innovation A3: Frontiers in Smart Agriculture
Offered quarter: 4Q
Students learn about the purpose, significance, and challenges of smart agriculture, as well as the latest practical examples, and think about solutions to problems in agriculture and desirable future visions for agriculture.
Class 1 | Why is Smart Agriculture Needed? Problems in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. |
Class 2 | Be Smarter! Future of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. |
Class 3 | Current state of research in agricultural information technology in Japan |
Class 4 | Realization of Society 5.0 by utilizing Precision Agriculture into Smart Agriculture in NARO, Japan |
Class 5 | Transforming Agri & Food Systems Under a Changing Climate |
Class 6 | Next-Generation Green Revolution Integrating Science and Technology |
Class 7 | Kubota’s approach to Smart Agriculture and future directions |